Noorteühing Eesti 4H (Estonia)


Contact Information

4-H Program mission statement:
Self introduction:

4H is a youth organisation with the mission of "engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development." In Estonian 4H through practical joint activities a young person will develop into active, entrepreneurial and rural life valuing youngster.

4-H Motto:

Learning by doing

4-H Pledge:

Head - thinking 
Heart - friends 
Hands - doing by yourself 
Health - lifestyle

Number of 4-H Clubs:
Number of 4-H Members:
Number of 4-H Volunteers:
Number of 4-H Staff:
Date Established:
Top Member Projects:

1. "It's fun to live in the countryside" - is a playful learning program from youngsters to kids age 5-12 years. There are three different subjects: farm animals, corns and vegetables. The program lasts about 45 minutes and is conducted by supervised older youngsters. It consists learning part, teamwork skills, games, practical tasks, quizes and etc. 

2. Nationwide birthday tour with mascot mouse Hubert!" - Estonian 4-H celebrated last year it's 25th anniversary. Mascot mouse Hubert went on a nationwide birthday tour to celebrate organisations birthday with Estonian kids. The objectives were also to raise awareness about rural life, introduce Estonian 4-H possibilities, show that it`s fun to live in the countryside and attract new members. Hubert visited 46 places around Estonia: 20 schools, 15 open youth centres and 11 other places such as local club houses, cultural centres and etc. In these events Hubert taught to kids through games and contests how to make butter from whipped cream, make difference between different corns, farm animals and agricultural implements. Outcome - number of members increased from 1018 - 1117, 11 new 4-H clubs around Estonia and 4-H clubs in 2 new counties.